Health and Fitness Tips

live a long, healthy life one step at a time

Your dog is not helping your morning motivation to move today. Fortunately, you know that if you are dragging there are some pretty specific things that you can do to turn things around:

Number One. Move as soon as you can. You have discovered from experience that if you put it off until later it usually means you will not get it done.

Number Two. Go to a class or schedule time with a trainer. Making an appointment with another person increases both your obligation and interest. Cycling in a studio may not be the same as hitting the trail, but it is better than sitting on the couch.

Number Three. Be sure you are not sabotaging your energy by not getting enough fuel, water, or sleep. If you eat something nutritious and drink water, you have found from experience that you will feel better immediately.

Number Four. Putting on your favorite clothes, playing your favorite music, and meeting your favorite person for a workout will increase your satisfaction and improve your outlook. Doing something, no matter how little, has always been a motivational move for you.

Number Five. It is alright to take a day off every now and then if you are really, really not into it. In fact, taking a break can be the best medicine for coming back with even more energy.

After nearly a month of riding too short or distances and getting out on your bike too seldom, this is the kind of week that you have always wanted. Five straight days with friends who like to bike as much as you do. With a new set of name brand brake levers recently installed, you know that this cycling trip will provide you a chance to not only spend time with friends who you cherish, but also give you the edge you need to meet new time and distance goals.

The Right Biking Equipment Can Serve as a Great Motivation

From new toe clip pedals to new brake levers, there are a number of bike accessories that can help you get a better ride and help motivate you to start shooting for longer distances. Toe clips for bicycles might seem like a small thing, but the fact of the matter is if you ride long distances then you have to make sure that your feet stay on the pedal. Likewise, there are a number of other conveniences that can help your next ride be the best one yet.

In spring of 2017, 66.21 million people in the U.S. reported that they had gone cycling within the last 12 months. Are you one of them? Even if you are someone who does not know the difference between brake levers and custome wheel builders, you can still be part of the millions of people who know that that biking to work burns as much fat as spending 40 minutes at the gym five days a week. What are you waiting for? Now is the time to get peddling!

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